Monday, October 12, 2015

The Book Thief: Concept of Time

I've been thinking about my paper on The Book Thief, and I remembered another thought I had while reading the book: time

The order in which events take place throughout the book isn't quite linear, but it also isn't completely sporadic. And I guess, with a narrator such as Death, in which it knows everything that has happened and will happen, it would be weird to NOT have that in the book. But it was still interesting to me.

For example, with what happens to Rudy. We got a ton of hints before anything ever actually happened to him, thanks to the narrator.
Also, with Papa and Mama's son. Before anything happened to him, we knew it would, because Death gave it away.
There was also a ton of foreshadowing (is that the right word? I'm not sure.) for Max. We knew he would come into the character's lives before they did.

Looking at it now, I could connect all those ideas to perspective. I could include that with the 'perspective' discussion that I'm going to do in the paper. There's just so much I could write about with this book! It's hard to narrow it down. But the paper I'm going to write only needs to be 5-7 pages, so I'll try and keep it to 7 pages maximum.