Monday, October 12, 2015

British Contemporary Literature

On a Completely unrelated note, I just found this website with some really good suggestions for British Contemporary novels to read. So I'm going to take note of them here, and when I have time I'll come back and read them! 

1. Almost English, by Charlotte Mendelson
2. Swimming Home, by Deborah Levy
3. Being Dead, by Jim Crace
4. Darkmans, by Nicola Barker
5. The Child in Time, by Ian McEwan
6. The End of Mr. Y, by Scarlett Thomas
7. The Patrick Melrose Novels, by Edward St. Aubyn
8. The Unconsoled, by Kazoo Ishiguro
9. There but for the, by Ali Smith
10. The Northern Clemency, by Philip Hensher
11. The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox, by Maggie O'Farrell
12. The Biographer's Tale, by A.S. Byatt
13. The Panopticon, by Jenni Fagan
14. An Experiment in Love, by Hilary Mantel
15. White is for Witching, by Helen Oyeyemi
16. The Quickening Maze, by Adam Foulds
17. After the First, A Still small voice, by Evie Wyld
18. The Teleportation Accident, by Ned Beauman
19. Small Island, Andrea Levy

(Thank you Flavorwire for those suggestions.)

I would like to be able to read at least one of these books this semester. Depending on how much time I spend on everything else, I might. I'm kind of leaning towards Small Island by Andrea Levy, because it is also an international bestseller. We'll see.