Monday, December 7, 2015

Reading & Writing

Overall, I tend to like American Contemporary Fiction more than I do British. And it could just be that I've been reading it on my own and haven't been able to talk with anyone about it, but at least as far as short stories go, I would pick the American. Although, that being said, I haven't really read any Contemporary British novels. So I should probably do that. I've read American Contemporary, and International Contemporary, but nothing specifically British. After finals I'm going to return to a blog post I did a while back with a list of some "must-read" British contemporary literature. 

This blog had been extremely helpful in helping me write about what I read. It's also inspired me to get more into writing, and not just reading. I used to be more of a writer than reader, but now it has kind of shifted. I want to get back into writing again.
Maybe I'll also post some of my own writing on this blog...maybe. I'm all for writing for myself, but once it gets to the part where you have to share it with others, it becomes a lot more difficult. But that's something I can work on.
I'm going to start writing again!

And to finish, here are some awesome quotes I found! 

And then this quote, because I think it's hilarious and accurate: