Tuesday, November 3, 2015

'The Kite Runner': First Thoughts

I started reading 'The Kite Runner' by Khaled Hosseini, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to love it. ABSOLUTELY love it. I can't believe I haven't read it before! I also watched the trailer for the movie, which I also haven't seen, and that's going to need to happen once I finish the book. 

Here are some first thoughts I have about this novel:

-In some ways it seems completely different than The Book Thief and The Alchemist, but in other ways it seems very similar. The points of view are completely different, which definitely effects the story and the affect it has on the reader, but the stories themselves are extremely similar, especially compared to the Book Thief. I have a feeling I'm going to cry while reading this novel too. Great. They're both about heartbreak, with war involved. Obviously, The Kite Runner is set over a larger period of time than The Book Thief was, but still very similar. At least with what I've read so far. 

-It has a different tone than other novels I've read lately. It seems more conserved. The Book Thief wasn't a happy or light-hearted book by any means, but it wasn't quite as dark/reserved than this novel is so far. They're both amazing, just different. 

I'm excited to continue reading the book! And to watch the movie when I'm done with the book.